Thursday, July 30, 2009

Phew, I'm back.

You know.. I love technology but when it decides to bite you in the ass it really SUCKS. I was without Internet all last night.. my PRIME browsing, updating, blogging, and commenting time of the day. UGG. Seriously, how can being OFFLINE for only 14 hours cripple me so much. It took me all morning but I was a genius and fixed it myself. oh yea, don't be jealous, I can scrap, give myself shots AND set up a new wireless home network. Don't hate peeps, don't hate. Like I say... Jack of ALL trades.. Master of NONE! - LOL!

So my ultrasound appointment went "as to be expected". That is what they told me anyways. So after 4 days on STIM drugs, I have 6 follicles on each ovary and my Estrogen level was 318. They told me this is an improvement over my last IVF cycle (last time after 5 days of STIM meds my Estrogen was only 39) The follicles are all still under 12MM so they don't start measuring yet. My enometrium looks FAB (I can't remember the number, does 10 sound right?). . My instructions were to continue Lupron 5 units twice a day, 375 Gonal-F, and 1 vial Menapur for 2 nights. I go back for another (excuse my french) - dildo cam and bloodwork on Friday morning to check progress.

I got so much done yesterday in general... went to the doctor, went to Publix. Watched Kelly's boys all day (from 10a -4:30p) while she is gallivanting around CHA. Made the Pioneer Woman's Chicken spaghetti, watched So you think you can Dance and enjoyed having Suzie and Kevin to come over to watch it with us. I love days like that. When Kelly's 2 year old was taking his nap, it was rough trying to keep Sarah and Jackson from being wild.. but we all managed with a little Tom and Jerry and handheld video games. Here there are as cute as can be!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A toot and my ovaries

I entered a scrapbooking contest a few weeks ago at a really cool online scrapbook store. Here is what the contest read: is putting together our first ever design contest! We're looking for 10 people who would like to design a sample layout using one of the new My Mind's Eye collections. As a VIP retailer, we received samples of each of the new collections so each winner will receive their free bundle
well before these hit the street! The best of the 10 will get a $50 Gift Certificate!
I had to submit 3 layouts to be considered. Here is what I submitted:
So I got chosen as one of the 10 finalists! I was SO excited!! I received My Minds Eye Abby Road new release a bundle a and have been working on my project to submit which is due on Friday. Cross your fingers for me, I have never won a scrap contest and if I win this, I get a $50 Stop and Scrap gift card - WOO-HOO . Keep your fingers crossed. You should really check out They always have the best new releases and awesome discounts for pre-orders :)

My ovaries are there - I feel them.. oh yea - the meds are FOR SURE working cause I can feel my ovaries growing - no really, I can! :) For all of you that know the lingo I am currently taking 375 Gonal-F, 1 vial Menapor and 10 units Lupron daily. I go to the doctor at 7:15am tomorrow for a ultrasound to check my progress. I will let you know how it goes.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Distress me!

WOW. That is all I can say about Tim Holtz. Not only is he amazingly talented he is super nice. I was SOOOOOOOOOO fortunate to get to attend his Patchwork Pandemonium class. The only thing I regret was not signing up for the other class he taught. People drove all the way from Savannah and Miami to attend. I mean really, it was a big deal. This guy ROCKS. We learned so many neat inking and distressing techniques in the class. It is amazing what we accomplished in a short 4 hours. Here is what we made (I am not quiet finished embellishing it yet)

Each of those patchwork pieces was made with Grungeboard (Grungeboard is gray, pliable synthetic material, similar to soft rawhide) and EACH one was embellished and inked and distressed by ME J FUN! I am not quiet finished embellishing but here is a look at my almost finished piece. Here is a look at some work in progress:

And some close-ups of the details:

On the IVF front, I am still taking my “Stimulation” medication and will continue to do so until my next Dr. Appt on Wed morning at 7:15am. I am beginning to feel like a pin cushion but it’s all good – this is the easy part. I am feeling a bit nervous this go around since they will be putting 3 embryos back this time instead of the two they did last time. I just keep telling myself that even though they put in 2 last time we ended up with ZERO babies so I suppose I should look at it that way. But HOLY MOLY if we end u p having triplets I will calling in ALL favors from ALL of you cause I am not exactly sure how we would do it. But we would, and it would be FANTASTIC! I know Sarah will be a super big sister no matter how many babies we have. I am so looking forward to her help the most.

Big Hugs to all!

Friday, July 24, 2009

The beginning

The beginning. The beginning of shots, the beginning of doctor visits, the beginning of being so uncomfortable because of my HUGE ovaries. The beginning of hope , the beginning of happiness, the beginning of LIFE.

It took awhile for us to get to this point, to be ready to go through the emotional toll that the IVF process takes on us. But I am so ready, WE are so ready! Ready to get this started AND get this over with. I am so excited for the upcoming weeks that it will be hard to focus on much else… but I will. Things are good.

Yesterday was the Baseline Doctor appt (bloodwork and Ultrasound). Everything looked good so I got the go ahead to start the meds. My first med is called Lupron which keeps me from ovulating. I took one injection last night and 2 today. Tomorrow I will add the injection medications Menopur and Gonal-F which will stimulate my ovaries and “beef” them up. So that means 4 shots a day until Wednesday when I go back to the Doctor for them to check my progress.

The shots are actually really easy (at least these ones). They are small needles that I take in my stomach. I barely feel them. So far the only side effect I have had from the Lupron is hot flashes… so crazy. One minute you are fine the next minute you feel like you stepped out of a sauna.

On a scrap note, I am so excited to be going to my local scrapbook store Rubon Rouge tomorrow to take a class from the FAB Tim Holtz. I am really lucky and honored to have the opportunity to take one of his classes. I will post pics of the project when I complete it.

I have been scrapping a lot more lately.. my MOJO has been flowing! Here is a recent layout I did of Sarah and her friend Allana (you can see her Mom’s Blog Run DMT here)

Thanks for stopping by. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The story will continue

As you know last year I blogged about our In-vitro fertilization process and unfortunately the end result was a sad one with me miscarrying at 10 weeks , finding out latter that the baby had Trisomy 16. BELIEVE me I know it all happens for a reason and God makes the plans not me, but that was still a tough time for us.

On a happy note, we are starting the IVF process again! So many people have asked if I would blog about it again so they can be updated on my progress. YES! I am happy to share our story if it helps someone else in the journey to conceive.

So look out tomorrow for a complete update on the progress.

On a side note.. I LOVE these pics of John and I cause Sarah actually took them. SO cute to see us through our 4 1/2 year old's eyes!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Manic Monday

It's true.. life moves way to fast... almost too fast for me to keep up with. Half the year is gone but I really am here and well. It would take WAY to long to catch you up on the past 6 months so I will just start fresh.

We had a great 4th of July with the family first and then with great friends in the afternoon and into the evening.
I have been ramping up the scrapbooking lately. I really love that it allows me to outlet for my creative side! Seems like the only other side of me that comes out being a SAHM is the "yelling" side. This is one of my fav new layouts that I have done using the Studio Calico kit from June. Love me some Studio Calico! The Cosmo Cricket line really matches Sarah's shirt, huh? Who know Cosmo Cricket and The Children's Place were working together!