Our Advent Adventures continue. Yesterday's was especially fun for the whole family:
December 2nd: Decorate the Christmas TreeSarah was dying to decorate her pink tree in her room before John got home from work so she meticulously placed her mini-ornament on her mini tree (who doesn't LOVE mini anything!). Don't you LOVE how the pink tree is wrapped in beautiful sparkly plastic wrap stuff at the bottom (yea RIGHT). Anyways, she had a great time!
Once John got home we moved onto our regular tree... Years ago we switched to a artificial tree (much to John's dismay) because of destructive pets. Our pets aren't here anymore but I LOVE not having to water the tree and clean the dead needles. This year John's mom was gracious enough to give us her
GORGEOUS tree from Ballard design that is
prelit and has pine cones on it. I did not know how STRESS FREE putting up a tree could be. Usually I FIGHT with the lights and it always took forever to get them put on. Not this year.... Easy as PIE!!!!! LOVE IT!
I love unwrapping the ornaments every year and remembering who gave them to us or when they were made. My tree is adorned with beautiful
Christopher Radko Ornaments that my Dad and Step mom have given us. On or around Thanksgiving every year, they give us a Christmas decoration, years ago the decoration changed into Christopher
Radko ornaments. What a fun and generous tradition! Now that we have Sarah she LOVES seeing what ornament will be inside the box! Another
favorite is all of the
Ornament that John's Nana and Grandaddy had given him over the years. Nana always
somehow put a date on the ornament so it is neat to look at them. Lots of other awesome handmade and photo ornaments hang from our tree.
I love our tree and all of the wonderful memories and holiday's past that it represents! I hope that you and your family have as much fun decorating your tree as we did ours!
Also check out the giveaway on my sister's blog! FUN!