Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I've been keeping to myself

Hi all. The last few months have been a whirlwind of emotions and disappointment. The main thing that has kept me away has been our 3rd round of IVF which we found out last Thursday was unsuccessful. Such sad and depressing news. I can tell you that it was a little easier to handle this time since I didn't even get pregnant at all (I got pregnant with both of the other IVFs later to miscarry). John and I hold our head up high, will evaluate our options and continue with adoption classes in September. Thank you for all of the prayers and encouragement that you have given us though our years of infertility troubles. xoxox

Some fun news... a few weeks ago I got a request from Creating Keepsakes for 3 (yes THREE) of my layouts. They want to publish them in an upcoming special issue! I have been published in other magazines but this is my first time in Creating Keepsakes Magazine. WOOOOOHOOOOOOO.

I am sorry that I never posted my PDW June layouts... like I said the IVF kinda took over for a month or two. Here they are! Speaking of Polka Dot Whimsy, you HAVE to go check out the new website. Isn't the logo SO cute! In the coming weeks, the message board will have more functionality and their will be a member gallery where everyone can share their creations. While you are over there sign up to be a member.. that way you won't miss a kit, you will be guaranteed PDW goodness EVERY MONTH!

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